Here at Mexico First Church of the Nazarene our purpose is to know Christ and to make Him known; to develop a vibrant, fulfilling relationship with Jesus Christ ourselves; and to encourage others into this life-changing relationship. What you will discover is a church that is loving, caring, friendly, and most of all journeying toward a deeper relationship with Jesus. None of us is perfect, but we love Jesus and we strive to follow Him.
We invite you to join us in this journey of drawing closer to the Lord Jesus and to one another.
Our service times include:
Sunday Morning Services
Sunday School – 9:30 A.M.
Worship Service – 10:40 A.M.
Wednesday Services
Adult and Teen Bible Studies and Children’s Activities – 7:00 P.M.
Sunday Morning on Facebook Live
We would love to have you join us for our Sunday Morning Service on Facebook Live, each Sunday at 10:40 a.m.
Children's Church
Children’s church is available for children pre-school through 5th grade. Children are dismissed prior to the morning message.
Meal Train
Please sign up on the bulletin board if you’d be willing to prepare and deliver a meal to a church family after a hospital stay or challenging time.
Sunday, Sept. 22 - HELP NEEDED!
Immediately after the service help is needed to remove furnishings from the CCLC and chapel in preparation for carpet cleaning later this week.
Sunday, Sept. 29 - Alabaster Offering
Along with our regular tithes and offerings, we will receive our Alabaster missions offering. Alabaster is used to help construct churches, parsonages, dormitories, clinics, etc., on the mission field.
Saturday, October 5 - 8 a.m. - Men's Breakfast
Men’s breakfast in the Clark Christian Life Center. All men are invited to attend. There is no charge, but donations are welcome.
Sunday, October 6 - Trustee's Meeting
Trustee's Meeting immediately following the morning worship service.
Sunday, October 6 - 3 p.m. - Teal Lake Assisted Living Center worship service
Friday, Oct. 11 - 6 p.m. - Teen Cookout and Bonfire
Cookout and bonfire for teens and their families at the church. We plan a BBQ and bonfire with s’mores along with some games. Teens are encouraged to invite their friends and to bring a side, chips and/or dessert to share.
Trunk or Treat
Please bring in packages of individually wrapped candy for our community Trunk or Treat outreach. Monetary donations are also welcome, just designate the amount on your check or offering envelope you would like to go for “Trunk or Treat.”
Church Directory
We are updating our church directory during the month of September. If you were not included in the last directory, or if your information needs to be updated, please fill out the directory form and place it in the offering plate.